Which railroad are you quiz by telegraph

Which Railroad Are You?
1. What’s going on your breakfast plate?
2. It’s Movie Night! What’s playing?
3. Time to crack open a nice cold soda! Choose your favorite!
4. It’s the weekend! Where are you headed?
5. They might be villains, but they could just be misunderstood! Who do you think is the most misunderstood Disney character?
6. What’s your go-to jam?
7. Europe is calling! Where are you headed on your European vacation?
8. Your favorite sport is on! What are you watching?
9. Time for some well-deserved down time! What will you be doing?
10. Choose your fighter – Harry Potter Edition!
11. Don’t you…forget about your favorite Breakfast Club member! Who was the best?
12. If you weren’t in your current role, which job would you most want to have?
13. Pie season is upon us! Which one will you have a slice (or three) of?
14. It’s time to save the world! Which superhero is getting the job done?
15. Which pup is your very best friend?